welcome to tilde.za3k.com! this is a linux machine, free for anyone to use. to get an account, see below. you can do anything you want, but play nice =(__ ___ __ _)= | | | tilde.za3k.com | | | | have fun | | text is great | | be nice | | it's free | | do whatever | | | | since 2021 | |__ ___ __ ___| =(_______________________)= ~~ fun stuff ~~ ssh access nethack! adom! moria! run whatever you want host your own website at https://tilde.za3k.com/~/ whatever else YOU add ~~ get an ~account ~~ contact me! email (za3k@za3k.com) is a good method. - what username do you want (a-z and digits only) - SSH public key, or "please make me a password" - email (optional)